People all over the world for peace and democracy、united! Go all out for a democratic China! Democracy、Freedom、Fairness、Rule by Law、Human Right、Better Life!
Congressman .
Congressman Frank Wolf wrote to chairman Wang,Jun
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Wangjun Topic 发表人 Date
Jun Wang: New Year Declaration CDP 2010-1-28
Video:Protest Activity of “Free CDP Members and Di CDP 2010-1-15
Video: Rally of “Free CDP Members and Dissents Inc CDP 2010-1-14
Communist China: Google Statement on Censorship and Petition Jeffrey Imm 2010-1-13
Chairman Jun Received Deadly Threat from CCP Spies CDP 2009-12-26
Chairman Jun Received Deadly Threat from CCP Spies CDP 2009-12-24
Jun Wang: Rights Defending, Anti-Violence and the Jun Wang 2009-11-6
Video: Rally of “Support Sixty Million Heroes Trip CDP 2009-10-15
Video: Mr. Jun Wang, Chairman of China Democracy CDP 2009-10-15
Jun Wang: China Communist Party is a Political Par Jun Wang 2009-9-7
DC PRC Embassy Protest Plans R.E.A.L. 2009-8-25
Jun Wang: Chinese Policy of Disaster Prevention & CDP 2009-8-15
Jun Wang: China’s Disaster Prevention and Rescue P Jun Wang 2009-8-15
Chairman Jun Wang Participated in Friends Party of CDP 2009-7-13
Wang,Jun: Road map of Chinese Tibetan Friendship Society CDP 2009-6-19
Support letter to Dalai Lama from chairman Wang,Jun CDP 2009-3-17
Rally on Strongly Protesting against CCP’s Arrest CDP 2009-2-3
Rally on Strongly Protesting against CCP arresting CDP 2009-1-31
Rally on rescuing the overseas important leader of CDP 2009-1-2
Respond 2009 Year of Rescuing Chinese Political Pe CDP 2008-12-5
CDPWU Hold Rally to Demand CCP to Release China Xi CDP 2008-11-28
Forum of Wide-spreading Nine Commentaries and Thre CDP 2008-11-28
CDPWU Chairman Jun Wang Congratulations on 44th Pr CDP 2008-11-19
Pictures: Proprietor Jun Wang Install China Democr CDP 2008-11-13
CDPWU Donate Money before Spring Festival for Chin CDP 2008-11-7
CDPWU on China Consulate In NY Holds Rally of Stop CDP 2008-11-5
New Tangren TV Station Visits Famous Chinese Democ CDP 2008-10-31
Jun Wang: Democratic China can Avoid Jia Yang’s Tr CDP 2008-10-31
Jun Wang: Democratic China can Avoid Jia Yang’s Tr CDP 2008-10-31
CDPWU Hold Rally of Donate to Help Chinese Human R CDP 2008-10-29
CDPWU Member Free-eagle’s Letter to Chairman Jun W CDP 2008-10-24
District Leader Marsha Invites Jun Wang, Chairman CDP 2008-10-24
Jun Wang: Why There Is Saying That There Could Be CDP 2008-10-24
Pictures: Jun Wang, Chairman of CDP, Attends 2008 Los Angeles Rally of Democrati... CDP 2008-10-16
Video: Rally of Supporting 44 Millions of Chinese CDP 2008-10-16
Jun Wang: The Chinese Communist Dictatorship Make CDP 2008-10-16
CDPWU on China Consulate in NY Hold Rally of Deman CDP 2008-10-9
Symposium of Date CCP Occupying China is Chinese H CDP 2008-10-9
China Democracy Journal Newspaper Racks Stay on Ne CDP 2008-9-12
CDPWU Hold Rally to Demand CCP Release immediately CDP 2008-9-6
Jun Wang:China’s Strategy in Disaster Prevention a Jun Wang 2008-8-11
CDPWU is Invited to Attend Rally and Demonstration CDP 2008-7-21
Video 3: CDPWU Donate Money for Democrats and CDP CDP 2008-7-14
Video 2: CDPWU Donate Money for Democrats and CDP CDP 2008-7-14
Video 1: CDPWU Donate Money for Democrats and CDP CDP 2008-7-14
Wang, Haichen: Autarchy is Biggest Barrier to Elim Wang, Haichen 2008-6-27
Pictures: Jun Wang was Invited to Attend Rally on CDP 2008-6-27
Pictures: Flushing Incidents and Chinese Communist CDP 2008-6-27
Video: Jun Wang addressed on Flushing of New York CDP 2008-6-23
CCP suspect spy in office of China Democratic Part CDP 2008-6-23
Video2:On Greater New York area held candlelight v CDP 2008-6-19
Video1:On Greater New York area held candlelight v CDP 2008-6-19
Video2: Chinese Democratic Party World Union befor CDP 2008-6-19
Video1: Chinese Democratic Party World Union befor CDP 2008-6-19
Pictures: Chinese Democratic Party World Union bef CDP 2008-6-19
On Greater New York area held candlelight vigil to CDP 2008-6-19
China Democracy Party World Union Attended Human R CDP 2008-5-10
CDPWU Hold Rally to Demand CCP Release Chinese Hum CDP 2008-5-2
CDPWU Hold Rally to Protest Strongly CCP Arrest Ch CDP 2008-4-11
CDPWU hold the rally “Democratic Election is Neces CDP 2008-3-28
Jun Wang:We should carry on civil right struggle t Jun Wang 2008-3-27
China Democracy Party World Union attended Tibetan protest in front of Chinese C... CDP 2008-3-18
Wang,Jun: Strongly protest CCP gun down Tibetans! Support oppressed ethnics! CDP 2008-3-17
China Democracy Journal News Release Held in New Y China Democracy Journal Report 2008-3-14
Thank you for reading China Democracy Journal China Democracy Journal 2008-3-12
Video:China Democracy Journal Issuance Banquet China Democracy Journal 2008-3-12
Constitution of China Democracy Party Youth Missio CDP 2008-3-10
China Democracy Party Youth Mission is abbreviated CDP 2008-3-4
Jun Wang:We should carry on civil right struggle t Jun Wang 2008-3-3
Video 8: CDPPWU Remit Money for Chinese Sufferers CDP 2008-2-29
Video 7: CDPPWU Remit Money for Chinese Sufferers CDP 2008-2-29
Video 6: CDPPWU Remit Money for Chinese Sufferers CDP 2008-2-29
Video 5: CDPPWU Remit Money for Chinese Sufferers CDP 2008-2-29
Video 4: CDPPWU Remit Money for Chinese Sufferers CDP 2008-2-29
Video 3: CDPPWU Remit Money for Chinese Sufferers CDP 2008-2-29
Video 2: CDPPWU Remit Money for Chinese Sufferers CDP 2008-2-29
Video 1: CDPPWU Remit Money for Chinese Sufferers CDP 2008-2-29
CDPWU Attend Rally on Feb 2nd, 2008 in Washington CDP 2008-2-21
CDPWU Hold Rally on China Consulate at the First D CDP 2008-1-3
China Democracy Party World Union Hold Rally“Dona CDP 2007-12-27
Press Communist Party of China to Improve Chinese Jun Wang 2007-12-19
The CDP World Union held the Rally in front of Chi CDP 2007-12-5
Video: CDP World Union Made a Donation to Support CDP 2007-12-1
The China Democracy Party World Union (CDPWU) held CDP 2007-11-29
WANG, JUN: From Aristocratic Democracy Movement to CDP 2007-11-21
Video 2: The members of China Democracy Party Worl CDP 2007-11-17
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中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
Address:               41-25   Kissena   Blvd.   FLR 1 #110,   Flushing,   NY   11355   USA
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